The Leading Edge

PATENT TROLLS(2) - You Need Street Cred to Shake the Patents Mafia (w/ Ken Carter)

Episode Summary

Chris speaks with Ken Carter, General Counsel of Bitmovin, about the nature of the patent troll industry and ways to combat many issues tech companies face. They discuss economic rationality and game theory in the patent troll context, the strategies patent trolls use to gain power, the non-infringement vs. invalidation responses to patent assertions, and other topics.

Episode Notes

More on Cloudflare's Project Jengo


Ken Carter is currently the General Counsel at Bitmovin - a technology leader in online video with over 62 Million in funding. Before Bitmovin, Ken was Counsel at Cloudflare - a website performance and security company currently valued at over 5 Billion dollars. He was hired at Coudflare as the company’s first in-house lawyer to lead legal affairs, public policy, government relations, and trust & safety, and was instrumental in Cloudflare's Project Jengo. In 2016, Ken was selected as Bay Area General Counsel of the Year, an award that recognizes corporate counsel who steer their companies through uncharted territory.





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