The Leading Edge

PRIVACY & CYBERSECURITY(2) - Today's Cyber Attacks are Hacking Humans (w/ Allison Bender)

Episode Summary

Chris & Allison Bender, senior privacy and cybersecurity attorney take a journey from the beginning of internet regulation to today's regulatory landscape through the lens of cybersecurity.  They talk about the origin of internet regulation introduced in the 80's, the laws that helped enable the tech boom of the 90's, the cybersecurity legal framework developed in the early 200's, and the current state of cybersecurity threats as well as protective tactics for tech companies. 

Episode Notes



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Allison Bender is currently an attorney at law firm, Wilson Sonsini in the cybersecurity and privacy practice. Prior to joining Wilson, she served at the Department of Homeland Security, serving as a senior cybersecurity attorney in the Office of the General Counsel. Allison is also an adjunct professor at the Georgetown University Law Center, noted public speaker at conferences such as BlackHat & International Association of Privacy Professionals, and is also named one of the "women in CyberSecurity to follow on Twitter" by Cybercrime Magazine.


Chris Sands leads content and communications for TechGC.  Prior to joining TechGC in 2018, Chris was an executive legal and compliance recruiter in Silicon Valley, specializing in high-growth FinTech firms.  Chris runs the Jobs by TechGC newsletter and job board which connects legal professionals with today's top startups and venture funds.  He also spends around half the year working and living in various parts of the world.